Sunday, October 4, 2009

When ego's get in the way...

Tyler just had his birthday last week and for his b-day we decided he was old enough for a cell phone. He has wanted one for years and since now he is in Jr. High we decided to let him have his dream. Well all I can say is thank goodness for cell phones. Tyler on Friday had a sleep over at this friends house for his b-day. Saturday afternoon Tyler was still spending the day with his buddy and he called to ask if he could go to the skate park ( for anyone who doesn't no that is where they skateboard at these days). Well I had my reserves but decided I was just being paranoid and decided ya why not have fun and be safe. About a hour or so later Sean and I decided since the kids were gone with friends we would head to Walmart to get some grocery shopping done. We were almost there and the phone rang it was Tyler again. This is about how it went in complete calmness too...

Tyler: Mom

Me: Yes baby

Tyler: Ummm, well I ummm just broke my arm

Me: What? That is not funny to say son

Tyler: Well I am going to let you talk to someone else

Me: Oh my what happened are you OK?

Well then Tyler passed the phone off to someone at the park and he informed me that it didn't look very good and to come and get him. OK I was of course all ready in route to the park. Then within minutes we got the second call from Tyler's phone it was his buddy's uncle stating he was taking him to ER. So we met him at the ER and I knew soon as I saw it that he broke it. We got called right back got the x-ray done and meds and luckily they set it right there in the ER so we got lucky. I think next time he will think twice about going down a six foot drop on 4 wheels. Maybe he will stick to his legs for a while.

This picture did not do it justice to what it looked like you could see the bone bowed out on the side and underneath side of the arm. His poor wrist was so wavy looking, but he was so very brave and didn't cry he is a tough young man. Sean has now started calling him Tony (for Tony Hawk professional skate boarder).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kaiden can speak english...

Kaiden is now almost 16 months old and we are starting to make words and a little bit of sense as well. Here is the list of words that Kaiden can say at this point. I hope to grow to this list very very soon. I can't wait till we can fully understand what it is that he is telling us. Most times we just know we are in trouble with him because it is more like screaming at us then communicating, but either way I love it and it makes my day to hear what he has learned during that day.......
  • Pay (Paige)
  • Kay (Kaleb)
  • Ya Ya (Tyler)
  • Mom
  • booty
  • eye's
  • bye
  • bite
  • gaga goo goo (only baby i know that actually says this phrase)
  • me
  • mine

At this point these are his daily words that he uses. So i am sure he knows others just doesn't say them everyday. He is getting bigger and I cant wait to see what else comes from him and his personality.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where does all the time go?

Another school year started and this year is kind of different. Tyler has moved up into Jr. High and boy oh boy what a year I can already tell this is going to be!
I guess I always knew that this day was going to come I just was hoping that it would be a few more years till I had to deal with it. Tyler found out that little girls are pretty cute. I guess he is almost 13 now and so they start noticing the opposite sex. Over the weekend all he did was talk about this little girl and how he wanted to take her to a upcoming dance at school. I explained to him that we have already been through this he could attend the school dances this year but he couldn't go with a date until 16 when he can take a girl on a proper date. He said that wasn't fair and who would make up such silly rules, I did tell him he could write a letter to the prophet and explain to him how it was so unfair. He didn't like that much and so he let it go, and today when he came home from school the little girl already had a date to the dance anyhow. So now he is not going to attend at least I get a little bit longer to find my words of wisdom before asked again! I don't no where the time goes but it sure does go fast when raising children of your own. I just want my kids to stay little.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Missing Socks...Where can they be?

Well yesterday was the first day back to school. I made sure everything was prepared the night before so the morning would go off very smooth. Well I guess no matter how hard you plan and try it just never just goes completely smooth. We started our morning and I got Paige and Kaleb up Tyler got to sleep a little longer since he is now in Jr. High he starts school later then the other kids this year. Anyhow, I got them up and told Kaleb that I would iron his shorts since I forgot the night before but to get his socks and shoes and by that time I would have his clothes ready for him. I started to iron the shorts and he came out and said, "Mom there is nothing in my drawer." I asked him what he meant I just rolled his new socks and placed them there not 2 days ago. "Go back and try to look again maybe you moved them and put them in another drawer." He went back to the room and came back out. "OK mom I looked in all my drawers and I cant find my socks." I then told Paige to go with him and look again maybe he was missing them. I by this time finished his shorts and decided to go help locate the socks. I get down to the boys room and to my dismay there is no drawer at all. The whole drawer was missing. I told Kaleb now how can this be the whole drawer is gone. He turned to me and said mom I promise it was there last night when I went to bed and when I got up this morning it was gone. So we all frantically look around the house to find the drawer. I checked the bathroom, my room, Paige's room, the garage and all the closets and still couldn't locate the drawer. I asked Kaleb how does the whole drawer come up missing what in the world happened to it and he told me Mom I think someone came in last night and took it because I know it was there when I went to bed. I replied back with, Son I don't think someone is going to break in our home and just take your sock drawer. I kind of chuckled about his comment and went back to looking for the missing drawer. I finally asked Paige to wake Tyler and ask him if he might of known where the drawer was. She came out to the living room laughing so hard, I said what is so funny? She said well we found the drawer. I replied with OH GOOD, where was it........Tyler was snuggling with it. I went in the room and Yep that was right Tyler was sound asleep with the drawer in his bed sleeping with it. I asked him why in the world he was sleeping with the drawer and he said I don't know I guess I just wanted it. By the way we looked for that drawer for 20 min. that morning and the kids were still on time to school. It was a crazy morning but it ended up being a great laugh for the rest of the day. I love my kids and the funny things they do that make life more interesting.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What it's like to have 8 kids....

As you all know I have started my own daycare. So I stay pretty busy not only taking care of my own kids but helping others in need that have to leave there children and head to work. It is a sad thing to have to leave your children behind but I love the job I have even though it can get real crazy during the day but at least I am still able to be home with my family. This is pretty much what it is like in my home during the day......

Wake up and get my self ready for the day.

Open the door and let the kiddos pile in that I am watching.

Get breakfast on the table and then clean up after it.

Change first round of poo.

Take a toy away from one kid and give back to the screaming child.

Change more poo.

Break up another fight over a toy.

Get ready for lunch clean it up.

Change even more poo.

Nap time....Oh boy do I love this time of the day.

Well that went fast and change yet again some more poo.....

And finish the day off by taking toys from the thief and giving them back to the one crying over it LOL. And do you think you can figure out the THIEF? Yep you got it right Little tiny baby Kaiden. He hasnt learned the concept of sharing yet so as he walks around the house with his thumb in his mouth stealing all the toys and throwing them over the baby gate or just holds on to them lol. He is the little monster making everyone cry.

So this is pretty much a great sum of my day everyday but like I said I love it and even though sometimes at the end of my day when the kids all go home I think to myself girl you are nuts then I remind myself at least I get to be with my kids during the day and dont have to leave Kaiden crying like the other moms have to do with there precious little ones. So I truly am blessed.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our year long journey...

Happy Birthday Baby Kaiden!!! I can't even believe it has already been a year since I was begging, praying and trying everything I could possibly do to have this little boy. Looking back at this time last year my parents went out of town for there anniversary and they made me promise to hold little Kaiden in till they got home from vacation. Well the next day after they headed out on there getaway the labor pains started. I was scared to call them because first of all I promised that Kaiden would wait for there return and I had contractions so often in the weeks prior that I wasn't sure if this time would really be it. We just kept track of them for a while and by midnight we were rushing to the hospital. I get in and get checked and yep to my pleasure not my parents it was true labor this baby was coming whether they were here to witness it or not. (Sorry Mom). Well by the next night I was still in labor with no baby yet. They checked me and found out that his cord was coming and not him so we were then rushed to the operating room to have a emergency C-section. Sean stated that it looked like something off of TV the way they were throwing cords and rushing about the room out of control. We are now in the O.R. and the nurse states that there is now no pulse on the cord she is holding in her hands. I flipped and the Dr went ahead and put me fully under. Well we all know the outcome because we have a beautiful, vibrate, lovable little boy today. He was healthy with no complications and everything was good. I know that I was blessed and watched over in that operating room and I have the proof of that, Little Baby Kaiden. Our lives this last year have been so blessed with this child and we are such a lucky family to have him be apart of it. I know it was also a great joy for mom and dad to come home to a new bouncing baby boy.

One year ago!

Now a year later we celebrated his first birthday! He was so adorable eating his big boy cake and making a handful of mess. It was a great celebration and it was also nice to be able to have my sister Sarah and her 3 little kiddos here to be apart of it all. I forgot how much they actually learn in just the first year of life. He is walking, starting to talk and getting into whatever is at his level to touch. He does love his kisses and his hugs too! We just can't wait to see what this next year brings and what he develops in his own personality.

Our precious little boy on his 1st Birthday!

I think he likes it!

Nothing like spending my birthday with Family!

His very own Birthday cake!

Just a little taste at first...

Then complete destruction!

What a wonderful birthday he had and I think by the pictures he really enjoyed that Cake!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Finger Painting or Finger Eating!!!

Only try this at home if you have the courage to do so..... Today I thought it would fun for the little ones to do an activity. So I found the courage to make some chocolate pudding and let them finger paint in the kitchen. I was right it was a great idea even though they made a huge mess they had the time of there life. While Kaiden really didn't care to much for the finger painting part he sure did get his fill of the pudding. He threw a fit when his bowl was empty and needed some more of that great paint, so I had to muster up another bowl of pudding paint for him to paint the inside of his mouth with! I also managed to do all this and not get a drop of it on myself ( keep in mind I was in white pants)! YAH for me LOL! Anyhow thought the pictures were priceless! Great activity if you can deal with a brown kitchen!

This was just the start of it!

He missed the cookie sheet that was out and

got the floor! It needed to mopped today anyhow!

Now he found the pan to paint on!

I knew he could do it!

Then to finish it off he painted

the inside of his mouth. He figured that

was the best place to do it! YUMMY!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Having 4 kids at home isnt enough!

I have been so busy and these days I haven't really found the time to write so I was feeling like I should do that to update you on what the family is doing. Sean about 2 months ago got laid off from his job so for the first month we wondered what in the world we were going to do. So we just joked about things at first and decided we could just live under a bridge if it came to that because as long as we are all together it doesn't really matter where we are. Well then as time went by it was getting more serious that we are going to have to find that little bridge soon, so he got a job with the city working for animal control. Well I decided I need to help as well and though I cant physically go to work with 4 kids at home and to have to pay daycare for that I decided to start my own in home daycare. Well it has finally taken off and I now have 2 babies and 1 older child in my home. I was nervous at first bringing more kids in when I have the 4 here and 2 more coming this summer but the more the merrier right lol. Well so far things are working out great and I am excited that I can help out and also still be with my children at home, cus we all know this is where I am most needed at. The kids are on there last week of school so I know life is going to get even more crazy but it is great and I love doing what I am doing! Hope it keeps going well for us but things are definitely looking up in the Allen home and we are so very blessed and thankful!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Building a play house.....Much harder when your tools dont work!

We decided to build our kids a play house in the back yard for the summer time. We have the girls coming and by then Kaiden will be walking so thought it would be a great idea to give them a play area so they can play outside this summer. Well we have so far ran into a few small snags but we have had a blast working on our project. Sean had two days off during the week so we got started on it not thinking it would take too long to build but slowly coming to the realization that it will take longer then expected. Anyhow some of our tools were not working right and so he started cutting all the wood by hand saw which was pretty funny, not for him but I had a few good chuckles watching him in action. We finally get all of our wood cut with the help of mom loaning us a electric saw... Thank you for that because it saved poor Sean's arms. We started to get the flooring put together when Sean got to one tough piece. He was hamming in the nail when it bent. Well the nail had to come out and in the process I heard a crack. He immediately put down the hammer and started to shake his head, I then asked him if he broke the wood and he replied with yep think so. Well I inspected the wood and noticed it was ok so I picked up the hammer and started to remove the nail when we then noticed the head of the hammer was broken. I immediately started to laugh uncontrollably when he picked it up to inspect it and this is what we got on camera. LOL. It was the funniest thing and we had a great laugh, and thanks again to mom we were able to get a working hammer.

  • Lumber for playhouse... $150
  • Hardware..... $35
  • Buying Nails stronger the your Hammer... priceless

What in the world just happened.. LOL!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I haven't got on here in a while so I thought I would take the time to do that. I have been really busy with sick kids the last few weeks so our house has been pretty crazy, but we are all better now finally and they are all back in school... Sean went and bought me a new camera that I have been bugging for, for some time now and the other day I was giving Kaiden a bath and thought I would take some pictures for his baby book. Just as I got the camera out he made the cutest face ever and I was happy to capture the moment. He is such a ham and he just surprises us with little faces and noises that he discovers everyday it is great!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Well I am new to this my sister called me and told me that I needed to get on here and start blogging so here I am. I am married to the man of my dreams and we have 6 beautiful children. There names are Tyler "12", Paige "10", Kaleb "7", Hannah "5", Haley "3", Kaiden "8 months". We live in Midland, TX. Life can get crazy with 6 children but each day is a joy with them. I am a stay at home mom and Sean works at Schlumberger. Life cant get any better then this.....
Here is our newest addition to the family, Kaiden was not here yet when we took the kids picture.....