Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What it's like to have 8 kids....

As you all know I have started my own daycare. So I stay pretty busy not only taking care of my own kids but helping others in need that have to leave there children and head to work. It is a sad thing to have to leave your children behind but I love the job I have even though it can get real crazy during the day but at least I am still able to be home with my family. This is pretty much what it is like in my home during the day......

Wake up and get my self ready for the day.

Open the door and let the kiddos pile in that I am watching.

Get breakfast on the table and then clean up after it.

Change first round of poo.

Take a toy away from one kid and give back to the screaming child.

Change more poo.

Break up another fight over a toy.

Get ready for lunch clean it up.

Change even more poo.

Nap time....Oh boy do I love this time of the day.

Well that went fast and change yet again some more poo.....

And finish the day off by taking toys from the thief and giving them back to the one crying over it LOL. And do you think you can figure out the THIEF? Yep you got it right Little tiny baby Kaiden. He hasnt learned the concept of sharing yet so as he walks around the house with his thumb in his mouth stealing all the toys and throwing them over the baby gate or just holds on to them lol. He is the little monster making everyone cry.

So this is pretty much a great sum of my day everyday but like I said I love it and even though sometimes at the end of my day when the kids all go home I think to myself girl you are nuts then I remind myself at least I get to be with my kids during the day and dont have to leave Kaiden crying like the other moms have to do with there precious little ones. So I truly am blessed.


Sarah said...

Your day sounds about like mine, only the children all belong to me and I am a nut for having them all. LOL j/k I think it is awesome what you are doing and I know you love being home with your baby. I miss you girl.

Darin and Jena Bailey said...

You are the woman!! Keep up the good work. Hows the job hunting for your husband going. Has he found anything yet. Good luck